Friday, April 06, 2007

Patchwork book

I've been on an email list for quilters for many years, it's called Quiltnet. One of the members, Becky Sunderman, contributed some "ways to hide your stash" to this book, available through Amazon. Becky says that 66 other people contributed stories, also. I haven't seen it yet but it sounds like a fun read.

This is my favorite book right now--it has some great advice about living in Paris. Although it is for writers, I just pretend it is for artists, the same advice applies. Very inspirational and extremely well-written.


Unknown said...

I can't wait to see the book. I have a story in there too. It will be a great gift for quilters!

marina said...

Hey, Mother's Day is coming up, this book would be a great gift (hint hint).

Kyra said...

Thanks for sharing - look forward to reading the stories!

"Martha Ann's Quilt for Queen Victoria"