Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Marina rose in full bloom

I don't think this has ever happened--my Marina rose (that is its real name, the same as mine so of course I had to plant one in my garden) had four blooms at the same time! I waited a bit too long to take the pictures, so two of the flowers are falling apart, but you can still see their petals on the bush. The other picture is a wood sculpture garden that is along Main Street in Half Moon Bay, they are all made by the same artist. I can't remember his name right now, but he is a well-known local artist.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

happy mother's day

This lovely bouquet just arrived, sent by my wonderful son and daughter in law who live far away in Atlanta. It came with a box of chocolates, too! What a wonderful day :-)

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Free Comics Day

Saturday was Free Comics Day, when comic book stores pass out free comics that have been specially produced for this purpose. I took my kids to Isotope in San Francisco, which happens to be next door to Urban Knitting Studio (great placement!) The pic shows some of the unusual decor inside Isotope--evidently, whenever an artist comes to the store, they are asked to draw on a toilet seat (new and purchased just for this purpose). Quite unusual.

Monday, May 04, 2009

lost lace and reward for honesty

Remember that lovely round lace shawl I was so proud of finishing last week? Well, I lost it. I went to downtown Burlingame to meet a friend, shopped a bit, and when I got home, the shawl was gone. I searched, placed a lost&found ad, filed a police report, and distributed flyers. If I dropped it in the street or a store, someone picked it up and took it home--they did not turn it in yet.

In much better news, I received a box full of goodies from Hawaii, sent by the grateful owners of the camera I returned last month (see pic). This is proof that I'm a good person, I deserve to get that shawl back. UPDATE: I did get the shawl back! An employee at Peets called and said she found the shawl in the back room, high up on a shelf. I did give her a small reward when I picked up the shawl. Now it is even more precious to me.