Monday, August 21, 2006

One more photo quilt

Almost forgot to post this one--It's a plant that I saw at Huntington Gardens in Los Angeles when I visited there earlier this year. This place is wonderful, a gorgeous museum, library with really old books, and acres of gorgeous gardens. (

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Lots o' fotos

I finished up several small photo quilts just before I went on vacation, but didn't have time to post them. So here goes: "Filoli Trellis" (white flowers, brick wall) has some machine stitching to emphasize the shapes of the vines as they didn't stand out enough when printed. I did this before it was quilted. "Frank's Garden" (pink, green, and white) is a photo my cousin sent to me of a vine in his back yard. "Eucalyptus" is a shot I took at the Inn at Squaw Creek when I was attending Art Quilt Tahoe there last year. And "Hawaiian Flowers" is the photo I posted earlier of a picture I took at the zoo in Waikiki. These are all small--each print is about 8 x 10 after it is sewn. "Hawaiian Flowers" has only four prints, the others have more.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Rob Holland's bathroom

Many years ago, I went to Atlanta and met some quilters there. One of them, Rob Holland, posted a story about me on his web site. It is still there ( I met him for lunch on my recent trip to Atlanta, and before I left, took this shot of his bathroom. I have no idea why the tub is filled with beads--you'll have to ask him that!

Too much traveling

Sorry it's been so long--I have been doing a lot of traveling. First to Atlanta, then to Napa. But I am home now, at least for awhile. This is a professional photo of my Ft Mason quilt which was taken by Luke Mulks, who did a fine job. He works for C&T Publishing, which prints a lot of quilt books, so he has lots of experience and very reasonable rates. You can contact him by email at I'll post more pictures after I get them off my digital camera.