We volunteered at the TNNA booth again this year--the Faire was very crowded in the middle of the day, as usual, but the rest of the time it was quite pleasant and the weather was perfect, warm and sunny but with a cool breeze.
More doll obsession--I knitted Amelia a tiny sweater using laceweight yarn leftover from a shawl. The "book" behind her is actually a box that I carry her around in, since her body and hair are a bit fragile. I bought her short brown wig on ebay.
We also went to the Stumptown Comic Festival in Portland, and in the main hall of the convention center, several craft guilds were showing their work. I barely had time to walk around all the exhibits.
We just got back from a short weekend trip to Portland and ate at McMenamin's, which is located in an old school and besides great food, there is a hotel and movie theater there! Lots more photos on the website, so go ahead and click on the link.
I'm an artist, mother, wife, and gardener. I like blue nail polish, dried leaves and shells, taking photos of what's under my feet and reading the newspaper.
The Proselytize Knitting Badge – A requirement for all Knitting Scouts, the recipient must do his or her bit to present knitting in a positive light, whilst at the same time avoiding all references to “hipness”, grandmothers, and yoga.